For the first 11 months of 2024 in Kyrgyzstan, the production of ice cream decreased by 7.5%. If last year more than 10 thousand tons were produced during this period, this year - about 9.7 thousand.
But dairy products continue to gain popularity. Production of yogurt increased by almost 70% - from 1.4 to 2.3 thousand tons. Buuttermilk also began to be produced more. Over the year its output increased by a third and amounted to more than 25 thousand tons.
This growth became possible due to the increase in milk production. From January to November 2024, the country produced almost 1.7 million tons of milk, which is 2.3% more than a year earlier. Due to the increase in the number of cows and their productivity, the average milk yield increased to 1 thousand 914 kilograms per cow.
Reported by Akchabar (Kyrgyzstan).