More than 10 tonnes of unreliably declared goods from China in transit through Kyrgyzstan


Osh customs has revealed the fact of an unreliable declaration of goods weighing more than 10 tonnes, the SCS reported.

Thus, a transit cargo arrived from China through the Irkeshtam checkpoint, which was heading to Turkmenistan. Further, the vehicle with the goods was delivered to the temporary customs control zone in Karatai of the State Enterprise Customs Infrastructure.

However, during the inspection of the customs declaration, inconsistencies were revealed.

"In particular, an attempt was made to place the goods under the customs procedure without entering the full name in the accompanying documents. During the inspection, out of 25,040 kg of goods, 10,936 kg were declared as customs cargo with false information," the SCS reported.

Reported by Tazabek (Kyrgyzstan).